Reiki Institute of Austin

Founded in Austin Texas 1998

Now located in



Huntsville, TX

REIKI, (pronounced - 'ray-key'), is a Japanese healing technique, developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, during the latter half of the 19th century. Reiki is based on the principle that one can channel energy, in order to help activate the natural healing processes of the body, to gently assist in helping to relax and naturally restore well-being.

The Reiki Institute of Austin is a not-for-profit school offering a welcome space where Reiki is both practiced and taught. Since our first Reiki offerings, some 27 years ago, our students have come from a variety of backgrounds, including: teachers, university professors, ministers, physicians, psychotherapists, master social workers, counselors, health care professionals, massage therapists, body workers, indigenous healers, and energy workers. Our students are diverse and come from all walks of life, and from all age groups.

Interested students and Reiki teachers are encouraged to attend any of our classes, workshops, and Reiki shares, as scheduled. Classes and events are posted on this website, as well as on our Facebook page.


“Reiki for the People!” — Since its founding, Reiki Institute of Austin has facilitated the study, practice and teaching of Reiki. Specifically, Reiki Institute of Austin teaches from an informed western, traditional perspective, and we encourage our Reiki students to explore and read freely, and to study widely within the global Reiki community.

Our desire is that Reiki training be made available to anyone — regardless of a their financial situation. All serious students are welcome to study with us without any cost.

Now located in downtown Huntsville, Texas USA

The Reiki Institute of Austin was founded in 1998, by Joseph Meador, as an open space, not-for-profit, educational foundation, for both practicing and teaching traditional western form Usuian Reiki.

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